Monday, November 26, 2012

Making Dirty Hair Look Clean!

So I have dabbled with different kinds of dry shampoos and ways of making that second or third day of not washing my hair look less icky.  

I have tried:
  • Johnson & Johnson Baby powder - too white looking - can make your hair look gray 
  • Oscar Blandi powder - eh, it was ok, but if not put in properly, can also leave white marks on your hair
  • Tresemme dry shampoo - I bought this two separate times, and both times the sprayer on the can broke on me! PLUS it didn't work that well at all.
  • Just putting my hair up and using a little amount of hairspray for the flyaways...later on in the day the hairspray can end up looking greasier than before. Yuck!
So anyways, this one, the Redkin one is AWESOME! It smells great, doesn't leave white marks and actually made my hair look fresh and clean today! (I ALMOST just typed "so-fresh-and-so-clean-clean" oh boy.  Anyone remember that song?)

Have you tried any dry shampoos before? Any luck?

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