Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Must. Be. Positive.

The past two months have been awful.

In addition to the family death in December...

Our pipes froze the other day (we fixed it - but something else to worry about now/keep an eye on),
Dan and I got into a bad car accident on the way back from our relaxing trip to Blacksburg last weekend.
There was a horrible shooting in the mall a block away from us (I knew a couple people stuck there during it)
My car probably needs a brand new starter.
No matter how hard I try, with this new curriculum and crazy behaviors in our grade, I am always behind at work.


Here are the positives:
Our wedding is only 75 days away from today!
Our St. Thomas/St. John honeymoon is only 77 days away from today!
One of my closest friends/MOHs is due any day now with her baby girl :)
I get to see my uncle from Israel tomorrow!  (he's in town for a few days)
I sold over $2,000 in Thirty-One yesterday with 2 parties, which means more commission money to go towards the wedding! Woo!

It's hard to do, but there is always something kinda positive to look at, right? 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Letting the Numbers Speak for Themselves

This past week has been the week from H-e-double-hockey-sticks, to say the least.

Between 3 anxiety attacks, 2 sleepless nights, major behavior problems at work with students, a lot of stress and negativity at work (which really brings me down), a passing in my family, and wedding stress, I am surprised that I made it through.  

But I'm trying to keep things in perspective...

I am very blessed to have understanding and loving family and friends; I have a great job that I love (despite it being thankless and never stopping at 4pm like it should); I'm going to be marrying my best friend and love of my life in exactly 3 months from today; and I know that I have many guardian angels looking down on me during this rough time.  

I know this is so cliche, but they say that God never gives you anything you can't handle, so I'm trying my best to work through it.

Speaking of working through it, one thing I am SO excited about is my weight!  I have not been able to work out with everything going on with work and graduate school the past two months.  BUT I have been good with sticking to Nutrisystem and also not cheating as much when I go out to eat.

So to really get a feel for the numbers, my highest weight was 2 Summers ago which was 156.

My weight right now is 135! Boo-ya! I've lost 21 pounds since then and I actually see and feel it!

Ok so more recently, I've lost inches too! Since this past July when I measured myself, (I believe I started nutrisystem in September, but I didn't take measurements then) I lost 1.5" in my waist, 1.5" in my hips, an inch from each arm (arm flab), a half an inch from each thigh, and wait for it....TWO inches from my stomach!! (I measured around my belly button)

My clothes are fitting much better and I'm getting a lot of compliments/notice from people around me and those who haven't seen me in a while.  It really means a lot to actually see and feel a difference! I am trying to get back on the workout train too so hopefully I can tone up my arms and abs a bit more so I can really feel awesome in a bathing suit for our honeymoon! :)

I haven't made any drastic changes in pants size yet (that I know of anyways - I haven't had time/money to go shopping), but I have gone down in shirt size! I am more of a small now instead of medium or large.


On that note, I'm going to bed :)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Simply put.

It's just so hard to live by "it is what it is" and "you can't try and please everyone."  I love saying them and sometimes I'm even able to follow them, but practicing what I hear people preach all the time is really difficult for me. Hoping my the saying "My day, my way" may actually come true in some form.  I also truly hope the same is for my groom too since it's his day as well.  It has been so hard for both of us not to think of everyone else involved in the process and day of, while trying to really focus on what it's all about...our love and union which just so happens to be in front of everyone that we are concerned about.

On a lighter note, a co-worker got me something saucy and fun (my guy reads this sometimes so that's all I'm saying) as a gift since she missed my bridal shower.  

And I opened it up in the front office at work today. At an elementary school! Ha! I was wondering why she was standing so close to me (she told me it was "just in case" anyone saw, so she had my back). 
